Thursday, 27 October 2011

Happy Days - 4 down 2 more lots of Chemo to Go

I just completed my 4th round of chemo, yipeeeee only 2 more rounds to go.

My 3rd round didnt go well at all, l became very confused after they started one of the chemo drugs and then they decided to stop it altogether. I lost 2 and a half days where l didnt know who l was or what l was doing, aparently l got up to all sorts of mischief on the ward and to this day l still cant remember any thing about it all. On one accasion they found me on the floor in the middle of the night asleep!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Monday just gone l went along to the hospital thinking l was staying in for the week so l took all my case and knitting with me and was told that from now on l would be having chemo every 3 weeks for one day and after the chemo l could go home the very same day. Well l was so happy l couldnt believe it at all. l had my chemo then was aloud home straight away!!!! l've have felt not too bad at all really just a little sicky yesterday .

I cant believe how far l have come since starting chemo way back in August, all the ups and downs too and now my journey is almost half way, l face radiothearpy and major major surgery next january/february, but thats a long way off and at least l can hopefully enjoy Christmas this year with my family.

Toodles for now


P.s These are two of my favourite photo's from our holiday this year to Gt Yarmouth, \my boys mean the world to me xx

Monday, 12 September 2011

Having My 2nd Round Of Chemo Now

Well its been a while since l last blogged and in that time l have started Chemo, got the first round out of the way and here l am on my second round of Chemo, does time fly when your having fun.....NOT

You dont have to read or look at the photos, if they put you off then look at something else, l wanted to share my Cancer/Chemo story, if l can help someone who reads this and is about to go through the same thing as l am going through then it has made the past 15 months worth while.

As you can see from the photos l am attatched to all sorts of wired and wonderful concoctions, the large bag of fluid which is linning my bladder and protecting it, the blue bag is one of the Chemo drugs going through and the smaller bag of fluid is a flush going through after l have the antidote to the Chemo drugs, first round l went a bit do lally and was away with the fairies for a few days so now they have decided to anitidote me every 6 hours, day and night for my duration of Chemo.

The second photo is a photo of my wonderful arm which has a PIC line in, the PIC line is used for the Chemo drugs and the other line in is used for the anitidote.

l come into hospital on a monday, like today! and the chemo is given everyday for the next 3/4 days depending on how l get on with it, so l am hooked up to this wonderful and now my loyal friend..... The Drip Stand for the rest of the week.

I have a lovely view here from the 16th floor here at UCH in London of the London skyline, l can see BT Tower, Wembly, Big Ben, London Eye, l'll take some photos and blog about them at a later date.

Toodles for now xx

Sunday, 21 August 2011

My Cancer fight begins again.

I havent wrote a blog post in a while and l'm sorry, it seems as though life just passes me by and before l know it days turn into weeks. Once again l am fighting Cancer, we were told about a month ago that my Cancer was back, l had some surgery a week or so ago and tomorrow l start on a very long road of Chemo. Its going to be a long hard journey and l am fighting all the way.

I will be having Chemo up in London at UCH Hospital, l will be in hospital for a week, then come home for about two weeks and then back up to London for a week and this cycle will contiue right up to Christmas and beyound.

My Chemo starts tomorrow.

When we found out that the Cancer had come back and that l would need Chemo and all my body hair would fall out, l made the choice of shaving my head before hand as l didnt want to wait and wake up one day with no hair, so last night Jason shaved my hair off, l have some head scarf's to wear on days when l feel not up to going out with out one.

Aston our 6 yr old think its great fun wearing one of my head scarf's as he thinks he's a pirate, all he needs now is a parrot on his shoulder LoL

Toodles for now x

Monday, 11 April 2011

Our Dear Chico

Our dear dog Chico sadly passed away last Thursday afternoon after being diagnosed with Cancer, he may be gone but he is definatley not forgotton. Dear Chico you will be forever in our hearts and we will think of you often and we will love you forever more, Disney misses you no end. x

Monday, 21 February 2011

Meet B The Golfer Mouse

Come and meet B the Golfer Mouse that l have just finished for a special birthday order, for a man who is golfing mad!

B was hand stitched from various materials and stuffed with polyester 503, using this stuffing it gives you a nice soft firm animal!! B stands 10'' tall on a mahogany wooden base. His golf bag was also hand stiched and B even comes with his very own set of golf clubs!!

B was a pleasure to stitch and l have loved making him. Making B has inspired me to design and make other character mice.

Come back again when you can

ta ta for now


Sunday, 20 February 2011

Our Rescue Doggies!

Hello my lovely friends out there
I came across these two photos the other day and thought it was about time l introduced you all to some of our animals that we live with. I've always had animals for as long as l can remember, when l was younger l had a rabbit called Smokey who always used to escape from his hutch and end up in nexts doors garden eating their vegetable patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always had budgies too and remember decorating their cage when it was Christmas time!

Four years ago we adopted two dogs from the RSPCA at Southridge. The above photo is Chico, 14 year old cross breed and the photo below is Disney, a 19 year old cross breed, our other recued dog. She's sitting next to our beloved Harley who was at least 19 years when he sadly died last year.

When we popped along to the RSPCA to look for a dog we only ever intended to have one dog not two!

Disney and Chico were together in the same pen and has been together all their lives. They came from owners who had to go back to work full time and not from bad homes as some of the poor soles that were with the RSPCA. We also deicded to keep with their names too.

When we first saw Disney and Chico we knew right away that these were the dogs for us, l fell in love with both of them and Disney just melted my heart. After all the usual home checks and background checks that the RSPCA do before you adopt any of the animals in their care we were finaly aloud to bring our two doggies, Disney and Chico home.

I cant ever imagine life without animals, they bring such joy and love in to our lives and its a pleausre to be able to share their lives too.

Ta ta for now xx

Monday, 7 February 2011

My Favourite Blogs

Good Evening My Wonderful Friends Out there
I'm often asked 'where do l get my inspiration from' and even this morning when l was at my Knit and Natter group someone there asked that very question to me and also said 'was l an artist' not sure about that, l usualy call myself ' jack of all trades master of none' lol.
Well the answer is easy, l get a lot of my inspiration from the blogs that l read. If you look at the side bar on my blog then you will see a list of the blogs that l love to read each day!
I love Attic24, Lucy's use of colour is outstanding and her lovely blog is a joy to read.
Then we come to Crochet with Raymond, l must have my daily fix of Raymond the cat each day.
All the other blogs are truly wonderful to read and l am sure that my list will grow and grow as l find new ones to read each day.
Please, when you have the time, do seek out and look at all the different blogs out there, they give you inspiration, make you laugh and bring joy to your little world each day and boy dont we need some cheer now and again.
Yesterday l finished a Meerkat that l have been knitting over the last few weeks, just need to stuff him and take some photo's, so come back again real soon to meet Simples the meerkat!!!
Ta Ta My lovelys

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

My very first Crocheted Blanket is finished!!!!!

Hello there my lovely people
Sorry l've not been around but here at Wiggles Towers l've been on a bit of a creative streak and busy hooking away, and once l start l cant stop and there's never enough hours in the day is there for crafting!

Well l have to share with you all my very first finished crocheted blanket.....YIIIPPPEEEEEEEEE l have actual finished something that l started l cant believe it. I have lots of projects on the go from bear making to crochet and l usualy call myself 'jack of all trades master of none', l like lots of projects on the go as l can dip into each one when l like. Anyway enough of the waffle here are some pictures of my new blanket.

It's called a 'granny ripple blanket' that l have made and it is for me when l go out on my mobility scooter. I stumbled on this design on a crochet/knitting forum called Ravelry, oh you must go and visit Ravelry sometime its a great place to meet other like minded crafty people. The yarn l used is called Special by Stylecraft and l purchased it from Mason's. I did sit down and mixed and matched colours in the order l wanted to use them, something l have never done before. A truly lovely soft yarn to work with. My blanket measures 26'' by 49''. I am very pleased with the end result, very pleased indeed. The photo below is my blanket laid out in its full glory, oh and at the end of the blanket is our dear dog Disney!

Please come back real soon as my next post will be all about my favourite blogs, ta ta for now xx

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

I'm Cancer Free

Well here we are almost the end of january already, blimey where did Christmas and New Year go thats what l would like to know!!!

As some of you know l was diagnosed with Cancer last May, last Friday l went along to University College Hospital in London for my first proper check up since being diagnosed and we were told that all the scans were clear and l am Cancer Free!!!!!!!!!!!! l still have to go for check ups every three months as they want to keep a close eye on me! We as a family are very happy indeed. The last 9 months have been a rather trying time and one l couldnt have faced without the love and support from my family. During this time l have had some really dark dark days and to be honest l didnt even think l would get through it. Through these dark days l always had two images in my head and these are the pictures here in this post, they are two pictures of the most important men in my life, my husband jason and my son, aston.