Tuesday, 4 September 2012

l'm now Cancer free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well its been a funny old time since l last wrote,
Aston's been bouncing off the walls, wishing the school holidays were over.
It seems like ages since we were on holidays, feels like a distance memory!
Then we come to the round of hospital visits, tests and MRI scans in all sorts of wired and wonderful places, believe me you really dont want to know what they do to you! Then going back for all the results, feeling so stressed to the point where you dont know what to do with yourself :)
l've been told that l am now Cancer free after 2 1/2 years of one of the biggest fights of my life, it feels kinda strange to be honest, not a month has gone by where l didnt have an appointment for some thing or another to do with hospitals and now no hospital appointments, well not for the next three months anyway! l still have to go back every three months for all the lovely tests that they put you through and then go back for the results but that seems like nothing compared to what l've been through.
l know my fight continues in many ways but at last l can finaly see there is a little bit of light at the end of a very long dark tunnel.

Toodles for now xx


wendy said...

whooo hoooo awsome news wiggles!! I have been thinking of you and checking in here. Will keep the good healing/healthy thoughts coming your way.

wendy ☺☺

ElleS said...

Oh, that is just the best news!!! I hope you had a big celebration:) It must be such a weight off your shoulders knowing that you don't need to go to hospital for 3 whole months! You are amazing for staying so positive through out your tough fight and I am very happy to read this positive post:)

Anonymous said...

I was so glad to read your post and hear things are finally looking up for you healthwise. Hope to see you on Rav soon
love, Jane (jumpingjoan)